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Hola Buenos Días, quería saber si se sigue trabajando en el WBC Caribe 2023 y en caso que así sea si tienen alguna fecha prevista, o un aproximado de cuando lo sacaran para su correspondiente descarga. Y es que los amantes del béisbol e

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Perdón que envié sin terminar, decía que los que somos amantes de este bello deporte ya estamos ansiosos por ver otra edición del WBC Caribe y disfrutarlo con todas las de la ley. Muchas Gracias. Que viva el Béisbol!!!

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Hola estimado Marcos buenas noches le escribo para decirle que estamos muy agradecidos. Por todo lo que usted ha hecho y sigue haciendo por el mvp baseball. Quisiera saber si por casualidad tiene otro link de acceso para descargar el WBC FANTASY 2021. Ya que lo link anteriores están dañados, Por favor estaré muy agradecido.

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Espero por este proyecto ya que es mas fácil los controles en este juego. yo tengo MLB 2k12 pero es un tormento jugar con el teclado es complicado el control 

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MVP is easier, because the controls are classic.

Someone pretty recently posted a total button configuration mod, with the ability to use all the buttons.


Not sure why you are using the keyboard with MLB 2K12?


Grab yourself an X-Box 360 controller for PC, and switch to classic controls.


I can't stand swinging with the right stick in 2K12

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22 hours ago, NoSe2023 said:

Are they still with the project? because the WBC is already going to start

Still a few days, and its being worked on

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The audio file is completed for this mod.



Here is a list of audio files that are still needed, and if anyone is looking to help out may want to make?

I will add them in before the release.


Panama: #702 Jonathan Arauz & #4453 Johan Camargo


South Africa: #128 Tyler Smith


Canada: #3984 Nick Pivetta # & #0097 Andrew Case, #0048 Josh Naylor


Italy: #291 Tim LoCastro


United States:

#1017 - Logan Webb

#5158 - Nick Martinez

#0031 - Dillon Tate

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En 7/3/2023 at 0:40 , Dirtdog dijo:

The audio file is completed for this mod.



Here is a list of audio files that are still needed, and if anyone is looking to help out may want to make?

I will add them in before the release.


Panama: #702 Jonathan Arauz & #4453 Johan Camargo


South Africa: #128 Tyler Smith


Canada: #3984 Nick Pivetta # & #0097 Andrew Case, #0048 Josh Naylor


Italy: #291 Tim LoCastro


United States:

#1017 - Logan Webb

#5158 - Nick Martinez

#0031 - Dillon Tate

alguien los esta haciendo? que falta, en que puedo ayudar? puedo hacer portraits, audios o uniformes... cual es el estado del proyecto?

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2 hours ago, Malaver10 said:

Is anyone doing them? What's missing, how can I help? I can make portraits, audios or uniforms... What is the status of the project?


The project is well on its way.


Marcos put out a call for someone to do portraits yesterday.

I posted a couple of links in the Chabox of photos that can be used to make portraits.


If you are serious about making portraits I will find you more.


Marcos is still working on the roster and all the other components of the mod. He should be completing the roster soon.

New uniforms would be great, contact Marcos and see what needs to be done on that end.


Alfrd21 is creating new audio, if you want to make some audio files as well, contact him. He has a pretty extensive list he is working on right now, and he can tell you who you can make.


I have done some faces and cleaned, deleted old and added all new audio from August 2020 to the 4 audio .big files, and I am working on a few more new faces.


Pick what you want to work on and contact Marcos.

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